Georgia Trouli cura due mostre di artisti greci

Date(s) - 07/07/2023 - 13/07/2023
Tutto il giorno
Medina Roma
Dal 7 al 13 Luglio 2023 Medina Art Gallery presenta due mostre curate da Georgia Trouli nel cuore di Roma, la collettiva di artisti greci “Gaia – Terra” nella gallery di Via Angelo Poliziano 32-34 e la personale di Maria Papadopoulou “Spazi Eterni” nella gallery di Via Merulana 220.
Opening event: Venerdì 7 Luglio 2023 alle ore 18:00 con la presentazione della curatrice.
Mostra collettiva “Gaia – Terra”
“The Earth, as an archetypal deity, as primal material, the Earth as nature, as a country, as territory, as a non-frontier, as soil, as a place, as a call to go further, for the beyond, the Earth as that which brings water and life, as a force field, as a core, as fire, as constant formation, as transformation, as shifting, as air, as a static element. The Earth at its simplest and most sublime beauty, as thought, as contemplation, the Earth as a planet, the Earth in its tiniest element – stone, leaf, droplet – the Earth in its entirety, in its discrete parts, in the not obvious, in its constant deconstruction and unceasing reformulation. The Earth at its own pace, in its relentless rebirth” – Georgia Trouli, Psychologist – Visual Artist – Curator
29 gli artisti in esposizione:
Yannis Adamantides, Pelagia Androulaki, Sotirios Antoniadis, Makrina Chatzatoglou, Anastasia Chatzikontantinou, Vasiliki Deleri, John Demoulas, Athanasia – Iris Giaxidis, Ageliki Gioni, Μaria Gilrouraki, Gilda Frum, Thanos Karapoulios, Christina Katergiannaki, Stella Katergiannaki, Meropi Kiorpe, Ilia Matthaiopoulos, Konstantina Ntziavou, Stephania Pap (Stephania Papatrezi), Eleni Mparka, Dora Pasaloglou, Dora Pasaloglou, Marina Provatidou, Aggeliki Rountou, Violeta Salpea, Ranio Sarri, Vivetta Sarri, Tania Terpekli, Efi Verikiou, Georgia Trouli
Mostra personale di Maria Papadopoulou
“Eternal spaces of a continuous quest, of a soul that knows how to create space, structure and fluidity, deconstruction, abstraction and simplicity. The river that everything drags is known as violent, but nobody calls violent the margins that arrest him” – Bertolt Brecht
By replacing the word ‘violent’ with the word ‘intense’, I would say that that line of Brecht’s perfectly encapsulates the work of Maria Papadopoulou in all her idiosyncrasy, as I have grasped from the little that we have interacted. She is an artist, amongst many other things, who has conquered in herself the impulse and the limit.
Works that are energy portals, emblematic and metaphysical spaces at the same time invite the viewer to open their vision, their conscience, thus creating for us a passage into the meta-space of all spaces and the personal geography which Maria Papadopoulou has created through her own unique fingerprint.
An intensive palette, warm, vivid layers of colour replete with intensity and feeling are juxtaposed with cooler, logical spatial structures and fluid overlays. They all produce artworks through which life, silence, the absence of the human form all vibrate, the quest for another space, the invention of a passage, the enquiry into the meta-space and time, the beyond place and conscience, that which has yet to reveal itself to us while constantly drawing us to it.
The paths that she will follow, the spaces that will contain her, the places she herself recognises and rediscovers, the creation of new places, the spaces she will decide shall be left empty and the spaces she envisions she will see herself in, the constant curiosity for the journey, this pleasure without the expectation of a destination, the strength of the space in between, the ‘alienation’ mainly leading to dynamic transformation, her transition into other phases of life and creation, the erotic way in which all of her work has so much flesh, such explosiveness, such unity, continuity and freedom in their rendering onto canvas.
Amongst her non-representational works in this exhibition, there are two portraits painted in the creator’s characteristic abstract, expressionistic style.
The ‘Soul’, the only piece bearing a title in the exhibition, stands there whole, the starting point, the observer and the inner child of a conscience which wants, sees, seeks and insists. And a second person, in another work with all the religiosity and spirituality I’d say of an image both inside and outside the intensive architectural topography of the exhibition.
M. Papadopoulou, as I perceive her, has within herself the stuff of an architect and a poet artist. She knows how to structure and how to deconstruct as well as how to dream, she knows what and until where and how she will control her field, leaving it afterwards to the flow and the transcending of limitations, leaving herself in her meta-space, the timelessness of creation, the eternal spaces in which she communes with us.
The exhibition Spazi Eterni is – along with the addition of new artworks – a synthesis of paintings from two previous solo exhibitions of the artist, which had the titles ‘Allotriosis’ and ‘Metachoros’ and were held in Greece.
Georgia Trouli, Psychologist – Visual Artist – Curator
Medina Art Gallery References
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