Georgia Trouli cura la mostra SERENITY

Date(s) - 05/04/2024 - 11/04/2024
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Dal 5 all’ 11 Aprile 2024, Medina Art Gallery presenta la group exhibition SERENITY, nella gallery di Via Angelo Poliziano 4-6 a Roma, a cura di Georgia Trouli.
Opening Event: Venerdì 5 Aprile alle ore 18
The meaning of spiritual peace as experienced as a personal choice. As an experience or as the human being, nowadays, envisions it as a condition, either in the future or in some given moments. Captured in visual artworks, Serenity is the subject of this particular exhibition.
Serenity and nature are intricately intertwined, forming a symbiotic relationship that allows us to find peace and solace in the world around us. Nature’s beauty and wisdom serve as a constant reminder of the vastness and significance of the world, grounding and inspiring us.
Georgia Trouli
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