Georgia Trouli solo exhibit E-SCAPELAND

Date(s) - 05/04/2024 - 11/04/2024
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Medina Art Gallery
Dal 5 all’11 Aprile 2024, Medina Art Gallery presenta E-SCAPELAND, la solo exhibit di Georgia Trouli nella gallery di Via Merulana 220 a Roma.
Opening Event: Venerdì 5 Aprile alle ore 18
E-scapeland by Georgia Trouli
The E-scapeland section is named for the obvious, namely the desire to escape to a place in nature called a landscape and the desire to move to another country. It also indicates the constant escapes and openings that I create in my own internal landscapes and fields as a process of escape from everyday life and are now characteristic fields of my own inner nature and identity, such as poetry, painting, rituals, everything that started as attempts at escape, reflection, inner calling and discovery.
Georgia Trouli
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