Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit @ Doha in Qatar

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit @ Doha in Qatar
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Date(s) - 18/01/2020 - 30/01/2020
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Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit @ Doha in Qatar

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit @ Doha in Qatar dal 18 al 29 Gennaio 2020 presso il prestigioso Katara (Building 18, Gallery 2). Una mostra personale di pittura dell’artista italiano, a cura di Beste Gürsu (International Art Consultant and Curator), realizzata in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia presso lo Stato del Qatar e la Cultural Village Foundation – Katara.

Opening: Sabato 18 Gennaio ore 19:00 (local time in Doha, Qatar – GMT+3)

Luogo: Katara / Building 18, Gallery 2

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit @ Doha in Qatar

In all art disciplines we can understand the expression and comprehension of the artist if we consider the artist’s values such as the concept of time and space and his spiritual and social life.

Luigi Ballarin conveys the lands, in which some of them he had never been or seen before, to his canvases with a great love. He conveys and perceives the spirit that he has placed in the abstract narratives.

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art ExhibitContinuity, 2015, Mixed technic on canvas, 100×100

The strength of the narrative power of the art of Ballarin comes from a sincere, internal, unifying and intriguing method. The expressions of the artist constitute a gravitational force. It is possible to understand that every figure, every brush stroke and every color are reflected boldly and literally on the canvas much beyond the contemporary orientalism ecole and orientalist artistic notion.

The knowledge, experience and teachings he gained while building a bridge between the East and the West emerge transparently and show us the rich culture of the east, which dominated his life and art with great admiration. Come to the forefront with a combination of social justice and cultural dialogue at every point of his life.

Luigi Ballarin goes well beyond what appears in a mysterious and sometimes repetitive world. The artist expresses himself and his art by a word we often hear and use; “İnşallah” which means “If Allah’s willing so”.“So, I followed that request. I try to convey this beautiful world with my art”.

Luigi Ballarin constructs bridges between East and West in his first solo exhibition in Qatar, Magnificent Cultures. He presents the bridges and he preserves the mystery of cultures.

Beste Gürsu, International Art Consultant and Curator

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art ExhibitFirmament, 2014, Mixed technic on canvas, 100×100

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit @ Doha in Qatar

Luigi Ballarin – Biography

Born in Venice in 1959. For Luigi Ballarin the “journey” was the biggest stimulus of his artistic production. He comes from linguistic studies and he’s self-taught in expressive painting.

From visiting Europe at a young age, he acquired the art of the “errant painters” of the late 18th century. It was around 1993 that Ballarin began his artistic path that would bring him to displaying his works around all Italy, in galleries and art festivals.

It was already a valid art work, but it was still weighted by the “romantic” sense of the journey; in this period his works were not specifically about landscapes, yet.

In 1996 a trip to Arabia…

…he was predestined to become a long stay, that would mark his artistic expressivity by deconstructing it positively. The visions of the Islamic world will give him a new dialectic, less descriptive and a lot freer and more personal; however after this period a series of trips and exhibitions followed in various modern art galleries: Dubai, Sharjah International Biennal, Bahrain, Al Rwaq Gallery Manam, Kuwait etc, so many works of this period can be found in private collections located in those cities.

Moved from Venice to Rome in 2002 and opened a new studio. Here his artistic evolution would progress and evolve, reinterpreting itself into the chromatic contrasts of Islamic atmospheres, that brought him to have a higher expressive language that would be renewed in every one of his works.

This is because “… every time I get back to those lands, the silence, the smells, the shadows, the trampled sand of the deserts are already in my memories. So visiting and living in those far lands is a unique and intense experience, I’d even say overwhelming”.

He has studios in Rome and Venice. After his first personal exhibition on 2013 in Istanbul, he decided to live and work in Istanbul too.

Magnificent Cultures Luigi Ballarin Contemporary Art Exhibit

Si arricchisce preziosamente la già ottima collaborazione tra Medina Roma e l’artista Luigi Ballarin.